Full Stack Development (MERN)
Become a Full Stack Web Developer Learn Javascript, HTML, CSS, React and Node from the best full stack experts.
Language: English, Hindi
What you'll learn
MERN Stack complete knowledge
Frond-end - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js
Back-end: Node.js, Express.js
API: Building, Calling and rendering API
Database: MongoDB
Projects completions
₹ 24, 000
₹ 30,000
Discount 20 % off
This course includes:
Duration: 5-6 Months
Online Training
Direct 1-on-1 sessions
Certificate of Completion
Course Content
Introduction to Web Development
What is web development?
How websites work?
Advantages of learning web development
History of web Development
Headings, Paragraphs,Formatting
Images, Lists, Links
Tables, Forms
Media (Video and Audio)
Introduction, Selectors
Inline vs Internal vs External CSS
Colors, Backgrounds, Border
Margin, Padding
Height and Width
Box Model, Outline, Fonts
Styling Lists, Tables & Forms
Gradients, Font Awesome
Transition, Transforms, Animation
Containers, Grid Basic
Typography, Jumbotron
Colors, Images
Buttons and Button Groups
Badges, Spinners
Pagination, Cards, Carousel
Navs and Navbar
Tables, Forms, Modal, Tooltip
Utility Classes
Introduction, Syntax
Variables, Comments, Data Types
Generating Output
Operators, Strings, Numbers
If Else, Switch, Arrays
Loops, Functions, Objects
Asynchronous JavaScript (promises, callbacks, async/await)
Closures, Type Conversion
Error Handling
ES6 Features
Setting Up, JSX
Components and Props
State Management
Lifecycle Methods, Events
Conditional Rendering
Lists & Mapping
Forms, React Router
Making Request to Backend (Axios and Fetch API)
React Hooks
React Redux
Node.js and Express
Introduction, Setting Up
Creating Server, Modules, NPM
Handling requests
File System, Express intro
Creating Server with Express
Handling Request with Express
Express Middlewares
Serving Static Resources
Template Engines Intro
Authentication (JWT Tokens)
Introduction, SQL vs NoSQL
Setting up, Databases, Collections and Documents
Creating Databases, Collections and Documents
CRUD Operations
Embedded Documents
Schemas and Relations
Filtering, Populating, Limits, Pagination
Replica Sets, Sharding
MongoDB Atlas
Managing Clusters
API’s and Analytics
Gmail API
Drive API
Google Analytics
Deploy Using Netlify
Deploy Using Heroku
Interest to learn programming
Computer with internet access
A computer - Windows, Mac, and Linux are all supported. Setup and installation instructions are included for each platform
Basic English understanding
Basic Mathematical arithmetic
Welcome to the online course for learning Full Stack MERN stack development. This training is step by step and very clear. It teaches you everything you need to build your own web application in MERN stack technology.
After completing this training, you will be able to build your own web application in any of the following frameworks: Express.js, MongoDB, React.js, and Node.js The most comprehensive course on web development available. CodersArts is a reliable and valuable source for tech knowledge. This course is designed to give you a full understanding of the stack and the most opportunities for job placement