Codersarts is inviting all freelancers and developers who are interested in content creation, mentorship or content creation to apply. We are particularly interested in candidates who possess expertise in Machine Learning with strong communication skills and are looking for part time roles to earn extra bucks!
We are offering various ways to work with our team:
Do remote development work on machine learning projects
Create video and written content on machine learning
Give job support or Mentorship session online
Contribute to the world of Machine Learning by sharing your knowledge and expertise.
Roles and Responsibility of Technical content creator
Research on technical topics that are in demand
Technical Content Creation
Record informative videos and edit them as well
Topics will be conceptual, project ideas, code explanation
Roles and responsibilities of Remote Developer -Projects
We will be sharing projects with you on email, you have to review and let us know the time required and the charges for the same
We will outsource the project to you
You have to complete the project and sent back before deadline
Payment will be processed accordingly
Roles and Responsibilities of Remote Developer - Mentorship
You will have to provide job support/ mentorship to students
We will get you connected with our users online
You have to provide doubt clarifications and support
This is a paid opportunity
Freelance work
Flexible working hours.
Work from the comfort of your home
Get associated with codersarts and become the face of our company!
Interested candidates can send your resume and contact details to